Friday, June 29, 2012

Romney vows to 'replace' Obama's immigration order

  In an editorial I found on USA TODAY by Catalina Camia, It was said that Obama's temporary solution to halt the deportations of about 800,000 illegal immigrant is just a "political move" to gain support from Latinos in this up coming election. Romney criticizes Obama's temporary solution because it would only put a hold on deportions for two year so that illegal immigrants could apply for a work permit. Romney claims that he would veto the lastest version of the Dream Act (which would grant legal status to illegal immigrants who were to the United States as a child, have completed high, attended college or served in the military) and instead grant legal status to students who did military service. Camia acknowledges that Obama's solution would not grant legal status like the Dream Act intended to do (but bypassed congress). Camia states that Romney,promising to stregthen legal status, would find a "long-term solution" to immigrantion and border issues, vowed to get rid of the crucial system that grants green cards and would grant legal status to illegal immigrants who served in arm forces.

  I personally feel that though Romney's ideas are straight forward and reasonable, would congress agree? Immigrantion is such a touchy issue and will probably continue to be for several years. Obama's idea is not that bad either and would give the government time to figure out how to solve the illegal immigrantion issue. Giving illegal immigrants two years to apply for a work permit considering that Hispanic unemployment is at 11% would be beneficial not only to the government but those who are unemployed. Obama's idea is a win, win situtation because even if the government did not come up with another solution then at least immigrants would be working and not living off of America's social programs like welfare, public housing, education, healthcare and etc. But then again would congress agree?

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