Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Romney and Obama, disconneting with America.

In a CNN article by Halimah Abdullah, Romney, Obama: Why they have trouble connecting, Abdullah explains maybe why voters are turned off.

In the article many questions come about like "Are politicians too rich to understand us?" as to why voters feel a disconnection with politicians. Abdullah acknowledges the fact that "America rarely elects "everyday" folks into office." America has had the habit of electing presidential candidates with the background  and income of a wealthy man. Obama is labeled as the "elite professor" and Romney is labeled as the "rich guy", which can't be related to everyday people. Like many of the past presidents Obama and Romney background of wealth and power prevents them from relating to the average person. Though their personalities may be a way for voters to relate to them it will only take Obama and Romney along so far before they start disconnecting with America once again.

This article is so interesting to me because for once criticism towards presidential candidates isn't about how they have the right idea to fix our economy or country, it is focused on the connection they have with voters. Abdullah is right wealth and power is the qualifications for our candidates. But power and wealth is the last thing the average person can relate to, maybe this why there is such a big disconnection between America and our presidential candidates. For example, when Romney talks about all the "20" cars his wife has, what connection can an average American make to that? His wealth isn't going to fix our problems. Through out the past centuries you hear how the new president isn't what we thought he was, how he has destroyed America, or how everything he does is wrong. Well maybe if we thought that our next president or leader of  our city or state should be not some one who is a millionaire or who's dad was a former leader,but some one who makes a personal connection with us , some one who says I understand because I've been in that same situation then we wouldn't be so disappointed all the time. This article caught my eye because it changed my point of view and made me analyze an issue from a deeper prospective. So I hope for this next election America thinks about this and decides very carefully because who ever it is they pick they will have to deal with for the next 4 years.

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