Friday, June 29, 2012

Romney vows to 'replace' Obama's immigration order

  In an editorial I found on USA TODAY by Catalina Camia, It was said that Obama's temporary solution to halt the deportations of about 800,000 illegal immigrant is just a "political move" to gain support from Latinos in this up coming election. Romney criticizes Obama's temporary solution because it would only put a hold on deportions for two year so that illegal immigrants could apply for a work permit. Romney claims that he would veto the lastest version of the Dream Act (which would grant legal status to illegal immigrants who were to the United States as a child, have completed high, attended college or served in the military) and instead grant legal status to students who did military service. Camia acknowledges that Obama's solution would not grant legal status like the Dream Act intended to do (but bypassed congress). Camia states that Romney,promising to stregthen legal status, would find a "long-term solution" to immigrantion and border issues, vowed to get rid of the crucial system that grants green cards and would grant legal status to illegal immigrants who served in arm forces.

  I personally feel that though Romney's ideas are straight forward and reasonable, would congress agree? Immigrantion is such a touchy issue and will probably continue to be for several years. Obama's idea is not that bad either and would give the government time to figure out how to solve the illegal immigrantion issue. Giving illegal immigrants two years to apply for a work permit considering that Hispanic unemployment is at 11% would be beneficial not only to the government but those who are unemployed. Obama's idea is a win, win situtation because even if the government did not come up with another solution then at least immigrants would be working and not living off of America's social programs like welfare, public housing, education, healthcare and etc. But then again would congress agree?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Editorial: Obama's gay-marriage evolution mirrors nation's

   "Obama's gay-marriage evolution mirrors nation's" an editorial by Carolyn Kaster, AP where the issue of same sex marriage should be put in the hands of the federal government. President Obama recently came out and openly stated his supportive view in gay marriage, which no other president has ever done.  This surely added some heat to the issue for the presidential race but author Kaster acknowledges the fact that support for gay marriage has increasingly risen to 50% from 27% in 1996. Even one of the nation's most popular TV sitcom, Modern Family features a married gay couple. Kaster claims though president Obama has stated his view on the issue "The idea has yet to catch on where it matters most: with voters." Only in about 8 states is same sex marriage legal and recently North Carolina was the 30th state to ban gay marriage. In the nation same sex marriage is supported at 71% for people of ages 18-29 and 21% for those of ages 80 and older. Kaster feels that Obama's "shift on the subject" has furnished the nation's view on the issue and will soon be making its way to the top, but yet may not get very far. Most importantly, Kaster states,  "Is that the country find a solution that gives all citizens equal treatment under the law". But the middle ground for that has for the most part been destroyed. Civil unions, where same sex couples are granted legal rights like hospital visitation, adoption, tax and health benefits just like a married couple was a solution which has been rejected in 14 states including North Carolina. Though civil unions have failed to a certain extend Kaster claims the issue will find its way back to the top and the only opinion that will then matter the most will be the one of the nine justices of the Supreme Court not president Obama's.
   I agree, this issue is too big to be ignored and will find its way to the top. Support for gay marriage is fastly increasing and soon will be too big of an issue to leave in the hands of the states. The federal government needs to bring the problem upon themselves. As it is, states are having trouble finding a solution that gives all citizens equal treatment under the law and when they do it is denied for some and given to others. With some states supporting an idea and other states denying it, it causes a bigger issue on top of the one trying to be fixed. If federal power was to set certain rules or principles then it would be one way and that's it. No one could change it and the law wouldn't be different in one place so no one could complain. Now that America's who are in-favor of same sex marriage finally have a leader on their side they should speak up and the Supreme Court should listen and decide.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Romney and Obama, disconneting with America.

In a CNN article by Halimah Abdullah, Romney, Obama: Why they have trouble connecting, Abdullah explains maybe why voters are turned off.

In the article many questions come about like "Are politicians too rich to understand us?" as to why voters feel a disconnection with politicians. Abdullah acknowledges the fact that "America rarely elects "everyday" folks into office." America has had the habit of electing presidential candidates with the background  and income of a wealthy man. Obama is labeled as the "elite professor" and Romney is labeled as the "rich guy", which can't be related to everyday people. Like many of the past presidents Obama and Romney background of wealth and power prevents them from relating to the average person. Though their personalities may be a way for voters to relate to them it will only take Obama and Romney along so far before they start disconnecting with America once again.

This article is so interesting to me because for once criticism towards presidential candidates isn't about how they have the right idea to fix our economy or country, it is focused on the connection they have with voters. Abdullah is right wealth and power is the qualifications for our candidates. But power and wealth is the last thing the average person can relate to, maybe this why there is such a big disconnection between America and our presidential candidates. For example, when Romney talks about all the "20" cars his wife has, what connection can an average American make to that? His wealth isn't going to fix our problems. Through out the past centuries you hear how the new president isn't what we thought he was, how he has destroyed America, or how everything he does is wrong. Well maybe if we thought that our next president or leader of  our city or state should be not some one who is a millionaire or who's dad was a former leader,but some one who makes a personal connection with us , some one who says I understand because I've been in that same situation then we wouldn't be so disappointed all the time. This article caught my eye because it changed my point of view and made me analyze an issue from a deeper prospective. So I hope for this next election America thinks about this and decides very carefully because who ever it is they pick they will have to deal with for the next 4 years.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Who I am Politically.

I may not know much about politics and the political world. But by taking this class I hope to gain advanced political views and knowledge so I am able to help my country make smart and effective choices for our better. From what I do know about the political world I would say I have more of a liberal's point of view on things. I feel the death penalty isn't the greatest punishment and we need to explore other energy resources rather than depending on oil so much. Legal immigration isn't a bad thing we should help others in need and those who want a better life. Social security needs to be protected because our hard working citizens of many years depend it for survival. Keeping world peace and helping other countries in need is what makes the U.S. so great, we're willing to help others better their country and their life. I want to gain more knowledge to make sure my choices will advance the country and economy. I want a better understanding of the issues going on in our country so I am not ignorant and useless. I do not want to be one of those people who feels so strongly about being liberal and conservative that I do not consider who is the right person to run our country because I've never learned, heard and have seen the other side. I want to be able to analysis our government in an advanced way.