Friday, July 20, 2012

Classmate's Blog - Southern Hospitality

   Ogechi E. Acknowledges an important issue, which reminds us of our rights as American citizens. What happen to Freedom of Speech? Now every time someone protests or speaks out in disagreement automatically they're seen as ignorant and are criticized. What happen to our right to express ourselves freely, because isn't that a right we've fought for?
   Recently the NAACP has been criticized for booing and heckling Mitt Romney while Joe Biden was given a warm welcome at their convention in Houston. Knowing that this convention would contain a majority of Democrats, Mitt Romney still decided to give his speech. Which is fine because as Ogechi pointed out they're surround by mature adults. But when those same mature adults decided to express themselves with a noise as simple and harmless as booing those adults are now criticized.
   I agree with Ogechi's argument that while these people expressed themselves with a harmless noise and are being bashed, instead we should think of the people right now expressing themselves by acting out in violence. I also agree with Ogechi's thought that people have failed to think deeply about this situation. People have failed to think deeply about this situation because they are not seeing the fact that maybe the heckling wasn't out of immaturity and ignorance it was out of beliefs and opinions. We all think and believe differently and there is nothing wrong with this and for this reason we we're given the right to express ourselves as we wish. We have every right to harmlessly exercise our Freedom of Speech. It isn't right for citizen to be seen as ignorant for taking advantage of their rights and at that taking advantage of them properly.
  It is so sad to me that we cannot even express ourselves without being judged or criticized. America is a great Country for reasons like our right of Freedom of Speech. Instead of us being worried about the innocent disagreements we express in politics we such be worried about the violence people use to express themselves over silly disagreements in meaningless things.

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